Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PTOKIRK (X.TJ OBSERVER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1939 PAGE ELETEN Sensational CUT RATE Prices 50c Phillips Milk Magn. 31e 75c Doans Pills 49c $1.25 Petrol- agar 89c 75e Bauma Bengay 59c DISCOUNT ON ALL EASTMAN FILMS 50c Pablum 39c 60c Murine 49c 60c Mum 49c 75c Molle 49c ALL BATHING CAPS AT HALF PRIE 5 Epsom Salts 17c 73c Dextri Maltose 59c $1.25 Tablets 89c $1.50 Citro- 89c ANACIN TABLETS I9c 50i 59c 100s 98c 50o Pluto Water 39c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 98c 76c Bayer Aspirin 59c USE YOUR PHONE Company 309 CENTRAL AVENUE Dunkirk Fredonia Delivery Cooling Breezes for the Whole Family! A gentle zephyr or a raging tornado can yours at the flick of a switch! Baby to his play pen. Dad resting in the evening, the afternoon bridge or the man of the house at his' office-they all find that fans keep them in condition to enjoy summer! Have one for every occasion and room SDMMERLEE'S Blectrte and Gift Shop -11 E. Third Phone 3071 Dnktrk.

N. I. the time to Buy Fire Insurance Phont 2441 W. W. Heppcll Inc.

Real Estate A Inraranet DUNKIRK, 9. T. i PICKARD'S thorn 2211 Store HOSTS 8 A. M. to P.

Jt SCHOOL A are here. Help the students' efficient work with one of oiar reliable fountain pen and pendi sets. All leading makes. JOHN A. STAPF SON Jewelen for 307 Central Areirae Dtmkijt, K.

T. CITY and VICINITY MISSING PAPERS Any subscriber not receiving his 6:30 o'clock in tht evenlnf can bavt a copy delivered by special messenier (without charge) by telephoning the Western Union, number 2331, or tht Postal Telegraph. 2353. Sub- scribers are requested to call as soon after 6:30 o'clock as possible as no calls will be accepted after eight o'clock. On Saturday calls will be accepted between and 8 p.

m- This service is for subscribers to Dunkirk only. juice machines for rent, fredonia Hdwe. Co. --Land Posting Sijjns. Dunkirk Printing Co.

--Patrons of Mrs. E. Ritz--Office hours 9 a. p. m.

Car 2691 for appointment. --Glasses sold on payments, II weekly. Clare Barnes. Optometrist. Hotel brands Bldz.

your tur coat remodeled and relined at low rates. Baber. --The price of coal is down. Lei us fill your coal bin now. Smith Lumber Coal, 802 Main.

St. --Available immediately. Furnished single room apartment Inquire at 78 W. Fourth street. --See our neatly printed wedding stationery.

Dun) irk Printing Co. --Belts for all makes washing machines, refrigerators, sewing machines, at Fredonia Hardware Co. --Wait--Get prices on paint. We carry Town's ready- mixed, also white lead. Smith Lumber, 802 Main --For rent, 4-room apartment, unfurnished.

503 Washington; also light housekeeping rooms. In 7 quire 122 Lincoln Ave. --Peaches, leading kinds in season, low prices. Pick them if you wish. Bring baskets--Woodbury's Fruit Farm, S.

Roberts Rd. and wine lists for hotel or restaurant--distinctive in ao- jearance and reasonable in once. Dunkirk Printine Co. --Practical nurse would like elderly man or woman to care tor, best reference. Mae Borden, Phone --Rev.

Elizabeth Manning, slindfold trance medium circle Friday nisht. 8 o'clock. Readings daily. 949 Central Ave. --Menus and wine lists for hotel or restaurant--distinctive in ap- earance and reasonable in price.

Dunkirk Printing Co. --Don't put off that roof job--Special prices on shingles this month. Phone us "2261." Smith Lumber 802 Main St. ---Used newspaper matrix sheets (cardboard) suitable for wall covering, insulating garages, chicken coops, sheds, attics, Ic each, size 22 inches by 10 inches. Large quantities cheaper.

Dunkirk Printing Co. Dunkirk Merchants Will Follow Mayor's Suggestion for Holiday. Although last Wednesday was the final half holiday scheduled under the agreement made earlj in the summer by Dunkirk merchants, it appears probable today that all stores will be closed 12:30 p. m. Wednesday, Sept.

6 so that employees will have an opportunity of witnessing thr Chatitaiiqua County Fair. When the summer schedule was approved, there was opposition to closing Sept. 6 since stores would be closed all day Monday of that week for "Labor Day. In view of Mayor Thomas Egan's proclamation of Sept. 6 as a civic 'half holiday, the merchants have changed their views.

The Commerce today learned a majority of the larger stores in the city definitely will and it is expected the plan will be city-wide. NEW BRIDGE WILL BE BUILT IN JAMESTOWN Jamestown, Sept. 1--The need for a new bridge across the Chad- akoin rivur at Foote avenue was agreed upon by members of the city council at a conference Thursday at the city hall. Director of Public, Works Leland L. Graham estimated the total cost to be less than $10,000.

To pay for-the new bridge the councilmen informally agreed they would support a resolution at the next regular council session to transfer a $5,791 balance from the contingency fund to the bridge fund. When the 1939 budget was adopted the council placed a $4,500 appropriation in the fcrMge fund for the repair of the bridge. The bridge is unsafe for vehicle traffic, many of the girders are deeply corroded and stringers and other parts of the frame work are rusted away in places, according to Mr. The condition of the-bridge was discovered after workmen had begun repair work. PATIENTS TAKEN FROM LONDON HOSPITALS London.

Sept. 1--(UP)--Many London hospitals today completed the removal of all patients in condition to be removed, to safer places. All were rejecting new patients while cots and extra blankets were installed against later need. Private automobiles and trucks were solicited for use in transporting air-raid casualties to hospitals and basem*nts reauis- ilioned as clearing stations. Hospital staffs stood by to into action at a moment's notice.

their first cluincc to use the new. hastily-constructed air raid trenches which have sprung up in all parts of the city. Hardly had the all clear signal come when new crews of boys and girls were on the way to spots where new trenches are to be due. or to existing ones whicn will be widened and deepened to hold more people. Polish officials feared more raids today.

The clouds which shrouded the capital the first "warning" raid showed sians of breaking 1 up under hot sun, which would be of grout advantage to the bombers. A second "warning" came at 9:15 a. but aside from some anti-aircraft bursts, nothing of It. The fire brigade a'nd military garrison were unable at the moment to say where the bombs fell, but confirmed that bombs had been dropped in Warsaw. PopuUce Remained Calm The populace displayed remarkable culm during the raid, although anti-aircraft shells were bursting overhead and heavier detonations, which everyone knew were bombs, were audible.

Czestochowa. of the towns! signed to meet the existinj. sit-, bombcd tod js known as If nvnoH i I I Polish Lourdes and is one of the greatest pilgrimage, centers in Poland. Thousands, of people have been going there, praying- tor peace before the famous ikon i 1 that the Polish-German conflict Moscickl Proclamation 3 gi no 10 a 1 daf'who is close to In a Proclamation to the Polish the foreign office, wrote that Britain and France would be responsible it the conflict develop- Council of Ministers Ally's War Can Be. Lo calized.

Br REYNOLDS PACKARD (Celted SUff CorrtiDondentl Rome, Sept. 1--(UP)--An official announcement tonight said that the council of ministers had decided to refrain from any military initiative in the Polish-German conflct. The council approved all military measures taken so far and which were described in the official announcement as "purely precautionary." The council also approved economic and social measures de- uation. It urged the Italian pie to continue the example of calm and discipline which they have shown to dale. The council convened under ed into a general European war.

BALI SEA Mos- (Continued from Pare One) the direction of Polish tTwpeir Silesia was announced. It was believed the greatest drive would come there because of the importance of Upper Silesia's industrial equipment and also to cut off South Poland, which would be the most effective way of blocking war materials from Rumania. It was announced that other offensives are in progress toward Czestochowa, north of Katovice; towards Dzialdowo and Mlawa. on the southeastern Prussian border, and toward Ciechanow, south of Mlawa. Ciechanow is not more than 50 miles north of Warsaw but the Poles do not expect a biK offensive to originate in East Prussia because the garrison there is believed to be too weak.

New Trenches Used In Warsaw During the air raid on Warsaw, residents of the caoital got ceople. President Ignacy cicki said: "During the night. our age- long enemy again opened oper.i- tions against the Polish state. In this historic hour I address myself to all the country's citizens with the deep conviction that the entire nation will rally around the commander-in-chief of the armed forces in order to defen-i its liberty, independence and honor and will give a worthy response to aggressor, as. it has done many times in the history of Polish-German relations.

"The entire nation is blessed by God in the struRale for its holy and righteous cause and in union with the army, will march in close ranks to the fight and to complete victory." RATE LOWER IN S1A1E Albany, Sept. 1 --(UP)-- New automobile liability insurance rates designed to save York motorists $3,000,000 annually, were announced by utata Insurance Superintendent Louis Pink. In addition to rate reductions for the 38 insurance territories throughout the state, Pink announced a new plan of classifying risks in three groups, with the lowest rates going to owners of vehicles driven less than 7,500 miles annually by not more than two persons of the owner's family over 25 years old. The new rates are effective today, but retroactive to apply to policies effective on and after July 1. Merit rating, which bases insurance premiums on the owner's accident record will be continued.

In a few sections rates for automobiles used in. the owner's business rose. Under the new rales, owners residing outside large cities and meeting operator and mileage restrictions in 20 central counties will receive the lowest insurance rate, 526.95. Residents of Manhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn will have the highest rale, $69.70, with the small upstate city ot Saratoga Springs next with $62.40. Through their habit of picking up lighted cigaret stub's, English sparrows- create a aerious fire hazard.

Mid-Summer Clearance Feature I 1 i i iV i i i i 1 1 4 POSTER BED MATTRESS SPRING CRICKET CHAIR AND A ROOMY -CHEST Furnish ycur toorn in citber the popular maple or walnut combination show in this grouping. Yoa will be amazed at ibt low cost of all tbe pieces included. Everything to furnish the entire room. Just cnoogh for one day only- $3.95 DOWN DELIVERS GEO.H.GPAFbCO IT'S TOOHEY'S LIQUOR STORE 411 Main Street For a. Complete Line of LIQUORS WE DELIVER Phone 2044 NOTICE COMPLETION OF CITY TAX To the taxable inhabitants of the City of Dunkirk: 3 Take Notice--That the signed Board of City have finally completed, the water light tax assessment; roll, and that said roll has bewi.

filed in the office of the City Clerfc' where it will remain for a period. of fifteen (15) days from this and where any person interested in. said roll may examine the BOARD OF CITY ASSESSORS-' STANLEY R. SOMERFELDT Chairmaaiv' THOMAS D. JAEKLE SecrttsJiT'i MARION T.

FRSY 'V --Adv. Clertt SKUNK ENTERS TABERNACLE AND EVANGELIST Johnstown, Pa. (UP)--When previously enthusiastic crowd in Arbutus Park suddenljf began to disappear just as he was' beginning to tell his life story, Evangelist Dan McNally looked for a reason. He didn't have far to look, iof strolling leisurely into the taber-' nacle was a full-grown black? and-white skunk. HOT! FRENCH FRIED Bag Box 5c lOc MacKendrick's 31 E.

Third Dunkirk Roquefort Limburgw Liederkrani Sweitwr and All Domestic CHEESE GOLD OUTS Batter Buttermilk kt WALKER DAIRY STORE 112 E. 4th 8t Phofl. The national record antlers is a spread of a little over 7 A LITE 3 of Indirect 3 stages ot Direct Nile Lite in Rita Lite Switch Duivenittdn Located an it's at Knew A fitrt ii gorgeous lunp wanted. A truly splendid modtl. to moment And luxuriantly to beautifully glorify cnMinble of your living a tint ii tttlly nnutimaL Statures: NITE LITE SWITCH AT TOP No more stooping and straining to to out-modest switch.

it is up at the within easy, natural -a patmt- this larap. 10 CLASS REFLECTOR designed to an dant oi clean, clear soh bjht- Usually found only on 7011 get thix highly at an unbelievably 3ow in this Imp. KITE LITE IN tREAK with SWITCH the tea at a PRICE! MOGUL SOCKET Another feature ordinarily obtained only when you buy a high priced Unp. Makes this offering a particularly surprising Talutt. you kind of lighting capacity you want without paying price for it PLEATED SILK SHADE And it's hand xwn.

Imagine on a lamp at only It's anothdt of usually costly features which make this the outstanding lajnp offer of opportunity that definitely "BUY!" STUDENT BRIDGE LAMP TO MATCH remarkable price From top to bottom oi bvauty and utility. SUM Plmicd SUk Hand Sewn A SoveJy cnatien that certainly is 2 Lsutaaaa mrj wish Tzlmiunt ot iVenM wjsh CeM Trm- at lie Jaievai j-oa: Or.lr prict sist wH resE? cnrtsaid you yoa l2Us loaf. Cnt a Iml yosa to lif iryy uv JTDTI GEO.H.GRAFfcCO Nc.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.