How to pass the German Final Exams in English (Englisch-Abitur BW, 2020) (2024)

Advice in advance

  • It’s never too late to prepare! Watching Netflix on a regular basis is not sufficient!
  • Nobody can prevent you from collecting materials that have been handed out to students in other classes.
  • Also, who says it is bad to ponder over study guides for the relevant topics?
  • It is also a good idea to read the official regulations for the final exams in the respective state. The ones that apply to Baden-Württemberg can be found here.
  • It is always wise to double-check whether the dates in your calendar are correct.
  • Don’t forget to set a second alarm clock and inform your parents or siblings to wake you up timely before the final exams begin.
  • Trust you teacher when they issue warnings or recommendations towards tasks you should prefer or avoid!
  • Doubt your teacher’s expertise whenever they make predictions on which text or task type will “almost certainly” appear in the exam!

What will the final exam look like?

The exam consists of three parts: While the materials for part I (comprehension) are in English, part II.1 may contain a German mediation text.

Part I: Reading Comprehension

  • The materials consist of a text in English (factual or fictional) that is connected with the general topic (in this case, “The Ambiguity of Belonging”).
  • Along with the text (and to check on your comprehension skills), you’ll face either closed tasks (matching exercise, multiple choice, ordering exercises, yes-no-questions) or half-closed tasks (completion of statements). Depending on the task descriptions, you may have to quote from the text.

Part II.1: Analysis

  • This part of the exam will present you with further tasks related to the comprehension text above (analyse, show how, give reasons…).
  • You may have to compare it to the film or book.
  • Part II.1 may also consist of a mediation exercise.

Part II.2: Composition

  • This part of the exam will confront you with a comment, an argumentative essay, a personal statement, or a creative interpretation task (such as personal letter or a speech).
  • You can choose between two options:
  1. A task based on the book and film covered in your English class;
  2. A task connected with another topic covered in your English class according to the curriculum.

How should I organize my time management?

  • You have a total of 210 minutes to be divided by three:
  1. 70 minutes for Part I (Comprehension) ( -10 points)
  2. 70 minutes for Part II (Analysis) ( -25 points: 10 contents & 15 language)
  3. 70 minutes for Part III (Composition) (-25 points: 10 contents & 15 lang.)
  • It is advisable to make a rough draft for both II and III.
  • Write legibly and use an extra sheet for annotations.

Does it make sense to create a draft?

  • Yes! According to the official guidelines, teachers can take a closer look at your draft if it is obvious that your essay is incomplete. However, your notes must contain of complete sentences arranged in a structured way.

Will my handwriting matter?

  • Yes, it will! In case your handwriting consists chiefly of hieroglyphs or if you don’t respect margins for correction, teachers can lower your grades by 1 or 2 NPs.

Will teachers receive official papers that include levels of expectation?

  • Yes, a table of expectation is always included in the correction materials. While part I (reading comprehension) does not offer much tolerance for alternative findings, the list of expected statements in part II contains recommendations. Teachers cannot simply count the points you have covered and grade your paper accordingly.

Can we bring any additional items?

  • Yes, you can bring pens and rulers, erasers and pencil sharpeners – everything is fine that fits in your pencil case but does not resemble a crib.
  • Food, sweets and drinks can also be brought into the examination hall. However, avoid coffee, energy drinks and everything which is rich in sugar and fat. Low-carb, proteins and vitamins make a better diet.
  • Schools will usually also provide you with monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. You should make yourself familiar with how to use them.

What do the correction signs mean and what does it tell me?


Gr = Grammar

Make sure you revise the important grammar chapters. After all these years, you should know your problem areas.

L = Lexicon (words and idioms)

Avoid unusual words and phrases. Don’t try to sound extremely clever, but use words you are familiar with.

R = Orthography

Spelling problems can be eliminated by looking up all the words that are notoriously difficult to spell. Mark your problem words while composing your essay and come back to them later.

Z = punctuation

The most common punctuation problems (and the most obvious ones) are related to commas and quotation marks. Contrary to common belief, English has a couple of rules to be obeyed – it makes sense to revise them (no comma with “who” or “that”, unlike in German). You’ll need quotation marks for titles and quotes.

St = style

As for style, avoid colloquialisms like “wanna” or “he’s / she’s like”. Use a wider variety of structures but don’t overdo it – if you cannot handle embedded sub-clauses, don’t use them. Use structuring phrases and signposting.

ul = illegible

Please write legibly. If your handwriting is microscopic or a bit on the sloppy side, make sure not to upset anyone who will have to correct your exam.


I = wrong content

Keep to the facts. Re-read the novel that has been covered in class and watch the movie you are the analyse. Online summaries can be one-sided or selective; however, if you don’t have any other option it’s still better than no preparation at all.

ug = imprecise

One of the things that causes problems is blurriness – if you feel tempted to use phrases like “and so on” or “kind of” or “somehow”, you know that your writing will turn imprecise. Make sure that your text is detailed and precise enough.

uv = incomplete

Incomplete statements usually lack evidence. Avoid making judgements without proving them.

L = Logical error

Logical errors are often hard to spot and even harder to avoid. Re-read your text carefully and check the logics of your text (before – after, cause – effect).

Zshg = context missing

Arrange your facts in a well-connected series of statements. Some students just offer lists of facts. Don’t expect the corrector to find a framework for the isolated facts in your text – this is your job.

Th = task / topic

Keep to the task descriptions. A good draft may help you to stay focussed and prevent you from wandering off the topic into irrelevant areas of your knowledge.

W = redundant

Redundancy is a common problem which occurs when students use the same facts over and over again to prove different statements. When you compose your draft, please ensure you can rely on a wider range of facts.

In Part I, can I get points for ticking the right box but giving wrong evidence?

  • You need to tick the right box AND give a relevant quotation.

What if my English is great but my knowledge is zero – or if my English is rotten but my knowledge is vast?

  • If your text (in either part of the exam) is graded “insufficient” in content (= 1 VP), the maximum you can get in the language section is 8 VP.
  • If your paper is graded “insufficient” in language (= 1.5 VP), you cannot get more than 5 VP in content.

What should I keep in mind when it comes to content?

For good results in content, make sure the information you provide is …

  • comprehensive (don’t omit important facts),
  • detailed (don’t stay on the surface level and don’t generalize too much),
  • task-oriented (relevant and suitable with regard to task description, genre, audience),
  • well-organized (make a draft), and
  • coherent (again, make a draft – arrange your facts well).

What matters most with regard to langue?

For good results in language, make sure your English is …

  • intelligible and clear (straight and simple is better than barely intelligible),
  • correct (common problems: tenses, third person “s”, who / which, this / these…),
  • with a wide range of vocabulary (look up words that seem suspicious),
  • grammatically complex,
  • rich in syntax patterns (sub-clauses, participles, inversion…),
  • with idioms and collocations that work well,
  • complete with excellent signposting (phrases).

Last Recommendations

  1. Read the task description carefully!
  2. Revise the official list of task descriptions (“Operatoren”).
  3. Read good summaries of all the works relevant in class!
  4. Make a draft!
  5. As for style, straight and simple is better than wrong and complicated!
  6. Make paragraphs!
  7. Memorize the structure of a typical essay (comment - discussion / writing about literature).
  8. Make a list of twenty mistakes you want to avoid.
  9. Memorize structuring phrases.
  10. Read guidelines on how to do mediation tasks.
  11. Study a synopsis of parallels between all the relevant works covered in class.
  12. Excellent time management is a must! Start quickly! Don’t idle away your time!
  13. If you can afford it with regard to your time management - look up every problematic word in a dictionary!
  14. Finally, read out your text to yourself - but make sure nobody can hear you! If it sounds wrong, it probably is!


  • Guessing new words
  • Drama analysis
  • Prose analysis (phrases)
  • Good style
  • Online Dictionaries
  • Oral Exams: Criteria
  • Mediation
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Interpreting
  • Translation
  • Multiple Choice
  • Vocabulary
  • Exam Tasks
  • Paragraphs
  • Capitalization
  • Exams
  • Spelling
  • Literary theory
  • Reading for class
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Cartoons
  • Task descriptions for texts
  • Writing about texts
  • Comment and discussion
  • Passing the final exams
  • Comments based on quotations
  • Communication exam
How to pass the German Final Exams in English (Englisch-Abitur BW, 2020) (2024)


How hard is the Abitur? ›

The best possible grade of 1.0 can be achieved if the score ranges between 823 and 900 points; the fraction of students achieving this score is normally only around 0.2%–3% even among the already selective population of Abitur candidates. Around 12%–30% of Abitur candidates achieve grades between 1.0 and 1.9.

What happens if you don't pass the Abitur? ›

If you fail the first examination, you will need to retake the part of the exam you failed or the whole exam. If you don't pass the reexamination, the school grants you a second attempt with the condition of repeating the last school year.

Can you take the Abitur in English? ›

Each student takes at least one of the written examinations in the first to third examination subjects and at least one of the oral examinations in the fourth and fifth examination subjects in German. Bilingual subjects' exams are in equal parts in German and English in the Abitur examination.

What does Abitur mean in German? ›

noun. Abi·​tur ˌä-bi-ˈtu̇r. : an examination that students in Germany are required to pass in order to be eligible to attend a university.

What is the pass rate for the Abitur? ›

The average grade at the Abitur was 2.16. 96.5 percent of high school students passed the exams, and 356 graduated with a grade of 1.0. 91.4 percent of learners were able to obtain the general university entrance qualification certificate through the vocational high schools. The average grade here was 2.31.

What is the highest score on the Abitur? ›

The total possible points range from 300 (minimum required to pass) to 900 (maximum achievable). The average Abitur grade is determined using total points on a scale from 1.0 (excellent) to 6.0 (fail).

What happens if you fail 3 times in Germany? ›

If the examination is a compulsory module, a notification of final failure of the degree programme will be issued with the third failure. You will be blocked from re-registering for the degree programme and will no longer be able to continue your studies in this form.

Why are exams in Germany so hard? ›

German universities are among the most demanding in the world, requiring students to master huge volumes of information, complete detailed research projects, and meet examination thresholds. These hurdles can become even more pressing if you get behind in your studies.

What is considered a failing grade in Germany? ›

In Germany, grades are typically awarded on a scale from 1.0 to 6.0, with 1.0 being the highest and 6.0 the lowest. German universities commonly only use the scale from 1.0 to 5.0, whereby 5.0 means fail.

Do American universities accept Abitur? ›

The Abitur is recognized for admission to German and European universities and is also recognized by American colleges and universities. (Note: if an Abi student applies to American schools or other countries outside of Germany, their transcript, which also includes 9th and 10th grade, will be submitted.)

How important is the Abitur? ›

Abitur is the highest German school leaving qualification. It entitles pupils to study any subject at a German university and is internationally widely recognised for the same purpose. Pupils obtain it after 12 years at school at the age of 18.

Is Abitur only in Germany? ›

Abitur is a German word regarding the qualification granted by college-preparatory schools in Germany. Other countries such as Estonia and Lithuania also have Abiturs. An Abitur is usually granted to students after they have passed their final examinations at the end of their secondary education (high school).

What does Bah mean in German? ›

· 4y. It means you are disgusted by something. For example, when someone does something really gross or you hear about something really gross, you can say “Bah!”. It's a very common expression in Germany.

What does ya mean in German slang? ›

The most literal translation for 'yes' in German is ja (pronounced “ya”). But simply repeating ja all the time can make you sound a little odd and disinterested, and far from the impressive fluent German speaker you want to be.

Is German highschool hard? ›

The biggest takeaway from this class? German is really, really hard. As you can see, I have a ton of classes - eleven to be exact - which is almost double the amount I took my senior year!

How hard is German A1 level? ›

Is the German A1 exam difficult? Compared to higher competency levels, novices frequently consider German at the A1 level to be easy.

Are exams in Germany hard? ›

Also, remember that German examination periods can be very hectic, with tests coming thick and fast. So you'll need more time in advance to prepare than may have been true in the past. In Germany, it's customary for students to form loose groupings called 'study groups', which are based around specific subjects.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.