The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (2024)

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How I lost 100 Pounds On a Vegan Diet

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The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (1)

One of the greatest accomplishments that I have been able to achieve in the past few years has been losing 100 pounds. And what I would consider an even greater achievement is the fact that I have been able to keep the weight off, while eating as much as I want. I know for a lot of people who have been battling obesity their whole lives like I did, that might sound too good to be true. When I made the decision that I had finally had enough of being fat and sick, I decided that I was going to try everything possible to lose the weight. But at the same time I was limited in my options for “everything”, due to suffering a football career ending back injury that lead to a 6 1/2 hour surgery so that I would be able to walk and function like a normal individual again. For myself that was extremely tough, I had spent my whole life as a high level athlete and always had the idea that when I did decide that I needed to lose the weight I would just begin running or do more cardio. So with that option off the table I began to look for ways to lose weight related to my diet. At the time I was getting my degree in livestock production and so I initially gravitated towards the animal based fad diets. For two years I tried the low carb diet, the atkins, the ketogenic diet, the JJ Virgin diet, really if there was a diet where you ate a ton of animal flesh and secretions I tried it. After a couple of years of following these “die”ts I realized a few things, I had not lost any significant amount of weight on any of them, on the ones that I did lose some weight initially I gained it all back plus some after just a few more weeks, I was constantly constipated and my overall digestion felt the worst it had ever been. I then had the most important realization when I began looking at the people who were prescribing and telling me to follow these animal food based diets. My first real “ah ha” moment was looking up at my nutrition professor whose advise I had been following, and it hit me that maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to be following the advise of a 300 pound nutrition “expert”. Then I surveyed all the others I was taking advise from and they were all either fat or much more overweight than I wanted to be when I reached my goal of losing 100 pounds. I realized the only reason I was following their advise was that they might have been a little lighter in weight than I was at the time. And they were also telling me what I really wanted to hear about my diet at the time, that I could eat all the eggs, bacon and cheese that I wanted and lose weight. But upon further analysis the foods I was told would help me lose weight like a “magic pill”, were the exact same foods that made me fat in the first place..
That is really when I began to seriously research and look into what truly healthy and skinny people are doing to lose weight and keep it off. And what I began to find was truly shocking for a country boy from Indiana, who was in the middle of getting his livestock production degree because he believed the world needed more “high quality” protein from animal based sources. What I found to be the real truth that has been in place for hundreds and thousands of years, was the opposite of everything I had been taught to believe. Which in hindsight makes sense because in fact everyone who was teaching me to believe these things were either the children of overweight parents, currently overweight themselves or raising overweight families. The truth that seemed to elude myself and my family was that the longest lived healthy human populations in recordable history have eaten diets based around plant foods and eaten the majority of their calories from high carbohydrate starch filled plant foods. (If you are interested about learning more about these populations I would recommend books like Healthy at 100 ( and the Blue Zones ( I would also recommend some talks by some amazing doctors ( who are doing incredible work regarding the diets of these healthy and long lived populations.) So I began eating vegan meals based around the same starchy foods I had been previously taught to avoid like the plague. What I found was truly amazing about these foods was that I was able to eat them until I was full and I actually lost weight……
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Health Resort: Adam Lost 100lbs at Pritikin

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Adam Fried knew he needed to gain control of his weight and improve his overall health. He searched for a weight loss resort and chose Pritkin based on the the hundreds of medical journals that have documented the success of Pritikin’s weight loss program. Learn more about the Pritikin Program at
Within three weeks after his first day at Pritikin Adam was feeling great. He dropped from 299 to 272 lbs in less than a month and since then he has lost a total of 100lbs and kept it off. Adam says Pritikin has brought joy and zest back into his life..
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After A Bad Weigh-In, Lee Gets Into An Argument With His Doctor

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#My600lbLife | Wednesdays at 8/7c.
Lee gets into an argument with Dr. Nowzaradan when he doesn’t meet his weight loss goals..
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He Carries a 100-lb Mass On His Leg! | My 600-lb Life

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J.T. is almost 900lbs with a 100-lb lymphedema mass on his leg and a food addiction that is bound to kill him if he doesn’t change..
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This Doctor Lost 125 Pounds By Intermittent Fasting With The 16:8 Method | TODAY

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Dr. Kevin Gendreau made some serious life changes after watching his sister die from ovarian cancer. Today, he is happy, healthy and hoping to inspire others!
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#weightloss #intermittentfasting #diet.
This Doctor Lost 125 Pounds By Intermittent Fasting With The 16:8 Method | TODAY

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Transformation Tuesday: Man loses 100-lbs in 6 Months

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Daniel Ramos knew he had to make a change when clothes stopped fitting him. 5-day training plan at

Video taken from the channel: Muscle and Fitness

DAVID GOGGINS shares how to lose 100 pounds in 1 month and not get stretch marks

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There is a proven method that works however it will require hard work. Simply remember the times when you were in the worst times of your life and remember how tough those times were and how you never want to go back there again. The problem with most people is they start getting complacent and comfortable when they have a good month or a good quarter. Never stop that grind or soon you will end up fired, broke and back to were it all began..
Don’t miss @davidgoggins at

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If you are very athletic and exercise vigorously every day, you need approximately 2150 to 2200 calories daily to maintain a weight of 100 pounds.In order to maintain your current weight, you must consume the same number of calories as you burn. Calories in is equal to calories out.

Conversely, if you are wanting to lose weight, this can be accomplished by consuming less calories or burning more calories, i.e. calories in is less than calories.To maintain weight, the chart below shows you your daily calorie limit. It’s based on your age, activity level, and the BMI (body-mass index) of 21.5 for women and 22.5 for men. To lose weight.Our calorie calculator will tell you how many calories you need to consume each day to maintain your current weight.

100 lbs 125 lbs 150 lbs 175 lbs 200 lbs 250 lbs 300 lbs; Aerobics: low impact: 114: 91: 76: 65: 57: 45: 38: Aerobics: high impact balancing calorie intake from food can help you lose pounds or maintain a healthy weight.If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, increased your exercise or made any significant changes in your lifestyle in regard to eating and exercise, it’s time to modify your plan. Simply use the Diet Assessment Calorie Calculator tool to help you find the appropriate calorie level based on the changes you’ve made in your lifestyle.Well, according to experts, an average man needs to consume 2000 calories to lose one pound of weight per week, and only 2500 calories to maintain weight. And, an average woman needs to consume 1500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week, and only 2000.

Calculate the number of calories you need a day to maintain your weight. Use the calorie calculator to estimate the number of daily calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. Switch to Metric Units Age years.

Height ft. in. Weight lbs. Sex Male Female Next. If you’re pregnant or breast-feeding, are a competitive athlete, or.

An optimal average of the daily calorie intake for men is considered to be around 2,500 calories/day to maintain weight, while an optimal intake for women is considered to be around 2,000 calories/day. The daily calorie needs depends on age, height, weight and levels of.For example, a 35 year old lady who weighs 60 kgs (132 lbs), is 165 cm tall and exercises 4 times a week will need to consume approximately 2000 calories in order to maintain her weight. Eating around 2500 calories a day without an increase in physical activity would lead to weight gain over time, whereas eating 1500 calories would lead to.

Though it differs depending on age and activity level, adult males generally require 2,000-3000 calories per day to maintain weight while adult females need around 1,600-2,400 according to the U.S Department of Health. The body does not require many calories to simply survive.If you engage in light to moderate exercise a few times per week, you will need to consume 2,350 to 3,100 calories each day to maintain a 200-lb. weight. For Active People Extremely athletic people have very high calorie.

Generally, a middle-aged, sedentary man needs to consume between 2,200 and 2,400 calories per day to maintain his weight, according to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion(ODPHP). The average middle-aged, sedentary woman needs to consume between 1,600 to 1,800 calories in order to maintain her body weight, according to the ODPHP.A calorie deficit of 750 calories will help you lose about 1.5 pounds per week; A calorie deficit of 1000 calories will help you lose about 2 pounds per week (about 1 kg weight loss per week) To lose 20 pounds in a year you will need to eat 200 calories less per day than you were eating when your weight was stable; To lose 20 pounds in 1 month.So if our 185-pound man works out 2 to 4 days a week, eating 2,590 calories a day maintains his weight. Here’s how his body uses those calories and a few ways he can burn more calories.

Find out how many calories you should eat to lose, maintain or gain weight.

List of related literature:

Although “normal” intake varies considerably among individuals, we project that the average 200-pound woman eats approximately 2,400 calories a day to maintain a steady weight (12 calories per pound per day).

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (8)
fromHandbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders
by David M. Garner, Paul E. Garfinkel
Guilford Publications, 1997

On average, a person needs roughly 2,400 calories a day to maintain current weight, whether they are overor underweight.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (9)
fromThe Coconut Ketogenic Diet: Supercharge Your Metabolism, Revitalize Thyroid Function, and Lose Excess Weight
by Bruce Fife
Piccadilly Books, Limited, 2017

If we use a rough guideline of 12 cal/lb as an average caloric intake during the lowcarb week, an individual might alternate a day at slightly lower calorie levels (for example one day at 11 calories/pound) with days at slightly higher calorie levels (14 calories per pound) to get fat loss going again.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (10)
fromThe Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner
by Lyle McDonald, Elzi Volk
Lyle McDonald, 1998

Adult females should consider eating 1,100 calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, and eating 1,500 calories a day for stable weight.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (11)
fromThe Encyclopedia of Nutrition and Good Health
by Robert A. Ronzio
Facts On File, 2003

For example, a 19-year-old girl who is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 127 pounds (lb) and gets no exercise needs to eat 1940 kcalories (kcal) a day to maintain her weight.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (12)
fromNutrition: Science and Applications
by Lori A. Smolin, Mary B. Grosvenor
Wiley, 2019

For example, a 22-year-old man who is 6 feet tall and weighs 185 pounds needs about 2770 Calories/day to maintain his weight if he is sedentary but almost 600 Calories/day more if he is at the active physical activity level.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (13)
fromVisualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices
by Mary B. Grosvenor, Lori A. Smolin
Wiley, 2017

At a minimum, you should eat 13 calories per day for each pound of your optimal weight; in general, that means no fewer than 1,000 calories each day for women or 1,200 calories for men.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (14)
fromTranscend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever
by Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman
Rodale Books, 2010

Although calorie needs vary for activity level, gender, health status, and age, as well as height and weight, many women overage fifty need 1,600 to 1,800 calories daily.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (15)
fromAmerican Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide, Revised and Updated 4th Edition
by Roberta Larson Duyff
HMH Books, 2012

This means, for instance, that a 150-pound man who uses 1,500 calories as his baseline should also use at least another 1,500 calories in his activities for the day, on average, for a total of3,000 calories.

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (16)
fromThe 80/10/10 Diet: Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your LIfe One Luscious Bite at a Time
by Douglas Graham
FoodnSport Press, 2012

By decreasing caloric intake by 500 calories per day, a person would lose 1 pound per week (500 calories per day times 7 days equals 3,500 calories, or 1 pound offat).

The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (17)
fromDiversified Health Occupations
by Louise Simmers
Delmar Publishers, 2001

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The Number Of Calories to keep 100 Lbs. - Nutrition | (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.